Open today: 09:00-21:00
Galeria Ogrody level: 0
Health & Beauty

Rossmann Polska belongs to the capital and shopping group created by Rossmann GmbH and A.S. Watson. It consists of 11 000 chemist supermarkets in 33 countries in Europe and Asia. The Group employs over 100 000 employees in total. The Rossmann logo is a Centaur inscribed in the letter “o” – half horse, half man. This sign is also a visualisation of the name of the founder and owner of the company (Ross – steed, Mann – man).

The assortment includes 15 500 products. These are both products of renowned foreign and Polish companies. Apart from typical drugstore goods Rossmann also sells drinks, sweets and teas. In some shops you can also buy books and wine.