Contact and location

Directions by car

You can reach us by car and park conveniently from the directions of:

Starogard Gdański, Malbork, Lidzbark Warmiński and Dobre Miasto


Make yourselves comfortable here! At CH Ogrody you will find free parking in one of the 1250 parking spaces, plus a charging dock for an electric car and a parking space for a Panek carsharing cars.

Centrum Handlowe Ogrody

ul. Pułkownika Dąbka 152
82-300 Elbląg

Tel.: +48 55 237 00 79
Fax.: +48 55 327 00 99

Business contact

Contact for those interested in renting space:

Katarzyna Kwiatkowska
55 237 00 79 / 722 202 530