Special discounts for families in the CH Ogrody with a “Large Family Card”
The nationwide “Large Family Card” is a system of discounts for large families, raising at least three children, regardless of income.
This also applies to foster families and family run foster homes. The card is issued free of charge to each family member. Parents enjoy the benefits of the card lifelong, children can use it until they are 18 years old, until they complete their education, or until they reach the age of 25. Disabled persons will receive the card for the duration of the validity of the disability certificate.
The retailers at Ogrody Shopping Center are actively involved in the program, and the number of stores honoring the Card is constantly growing.
Currently the program offers discounts in:
- Carrefour – offers a refund of up to 10% of the bill in the form of an e-voucher for subsequent purchases.
- Deichmann – regular children’s shoes discounts.
- North Fish – offers 20% discount on all products.
- Kinderplaneta – 60 minutes for the price of 30 minutes.
- Bookshop Świat Książki – 20% discount on books and audiobooks in the bookshop and in the store www.swiatksiazki.pl; 20% discount on e-books in the store www.swiatksiazki.pl; 20% discount on school supplies and paper goods in the bookshop and at www.swiatksiazki.pl.
- Multikino – free Multikino Family Cinema Card. More information: www.multikino.pl/rodzina
- Play – offers a discount (40 PLN per month) on FORMULA RODZINA
- Orange – offers 5 SIM cards for free to share unlimited services and bundles assigned to main number (discount 30 PLN per month), 4 SIM cards for free to share Internet (discount 15 PLN per month) and 20 GB of additional data packet for starters to use during the contract.
- T-mobile – offers 20% for T-Mobile Subscriber on services: Tariff T with phone for 24 months Installments in T-Mobile / TMUB, Tariff T without phone for 24 months in T-Mobile, New Home Tariff, Internet LTE 4G – SIM only, Internet LTE 4G – devices, Internet LTE 4 G – modem / router.
- Vision Express – offers: 20% discount on a complete pair of glasses (frames + lenses), 9 PLN for an eyesight test without the necessity to purchase prescription glasses, 20% discount on sunglasses, 20% discount on any contact lenses.
- Vistula / Wólczanka – 10% discount from the regular price for the complete product range